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学术期刊论文(1990-1994年) 【字体:


1•H.E. Ang, Y. Gao, and C. L. Tan. “Strength Prediction of  Unidirectional Composites with a Circular Hole using Fracture Mechanics.” Int. J. Fracture. Vol.56,  R23-R29. 1992.
2•C. L. Tan, Y. Gao, and F. F. Afagh. “Boundary Element Analysis  of Interface Cracks Between Dissimilar Anisotropic Materials.” Int. J. Solids and  Structure. Vol. 29, No. 24,pp3201~3220. 1992.
3•C. L. Tan, Y. Gao, and F. F. Afagh. “Anisotropic Stress Analysis  of Inclusion Problems Using the Boundary Integral Equation Method.” J. Strain Analysis. Vol.  27, No. 2, pp 67~76. 1992.
4•C.L. Tan, and Y. Gao. “Boundary Element Analysis  of Plane Anisotropic Bodies with Stress Concentrations and Cracks.” Int. J. Composite  Structures. Vol. 20. pp 17~28. 1992.
5•Y. Gao, and C. L. Tan. “Determination of  Characterising Parameters for Bimaterial Interface Cracks using the Boundary  Element Method.” Engng. Fracture Mech. Vol. 41, No. 5, pp 779~784.  1992.
6•C. L. Tan, and Y. Gao. “Boundary Integral Equation  Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Plane Orthotropic Bodies.” Int. J. Fracture. Vol. 53,  pp 343~365. 1992.
7•Y. Gao, C. L. Tan, and A. P. S. Selvadurai. “Stress Intensity Factor for  Cracks Around or Penetration an Elliptic Inclusion using the Boundary Element  Method.”Engng. Analysis with Boundary Elements. Vol. 10, pp  59~68. 1992.
8•C. L. Tan, and Y. Gao. “Axisymmetric Boundary  Integral Equations Analysis of Interface Cracks Between Dissimilar Materials.” Computational Mech. Vol.  7, pp 381~396. 1991.
9•C. L. Tan, and Y. Gao. “Stress Intensity Factors  for Cracks at Spherical Inclusions by The Boundary Integral Equation Method.” J. Strain Analysis. Vol.  25, No. 4, pp 197~206. 1990.
10•C. L. Tan, and Y. Gao. “Treatment of Bimaterial  Interface Crack Problems using the Boundary Element Method.” Engng. Fracture Mech. Vol.  36, No. 6, pp 919~932. 1990.
11•陈华丽, 高宇立, & 王全会: “用光弹性法测双层复合板的应力强度因子”, 应用力学学报;1990年01期
12•Y. Gao, and Z. Lou. “Mixed Mode Interface Crack  in Pure Power-hardening Bimaterial.” Int. J. Fracture. Vol. 43,  pp 241~256. 1990.

文章导读 / Profile
    1•H.E. Ang, Y. Gao, and C. L. Tan. “Strength Prediction of Unidirectional Composites with a Circular Hole using Fracture Mechanics.” Int. J. Fracture. Vol.56, R23-R29. 1992. 2•C. L. Ta...
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